DSAA in collaboration with The Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network (DevNet) put in a submission for inclusion of a Development Studies FoR, and after an extensive review/consultation process, the new FoR codes for Development Studies have been finalised. We thank the ANZSRC for recognition of Development Studies as an interdisciplinary field of research and scholarship, built on a rich body of theory. A full list of the FoR codes can be found on the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
The Development Studies FoRs are:
- 4404 Development Studies
- 440401 Development Cooperation
- 440402 Humanitarian disasters, conflict and peacebuilding
- 440403 Labour, migration and development
- 440404 Political economy and social change
- 440405 Poverty, inclusivity and wellbeing
- 440406 Rural community development
- 440407 Socio-economic development
- 440408 Urban community development
- 440499 Development studies not elsewhere classified
Submission to the 2019 review of the Australian & New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) codes
Support for the 1609 Development Studies codes in the Consultation Draft Australian & New Zealand Standard Research Classification Review 2019